



Task / Tâche #3364


WLAN in der Altstadt

Added by mrw over 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
15 June 2012
Due date:
08 April 2013
% Done:


Estimated time:


Aufbau eines WLans in der Altstadt.

1. Parley

Gratis-WLAN für die Altstadt
  • Ziel/Idee:
    • Besucher/Passanten der Altstadt sollen gratis surfen
    • Finanziert durch Geschäfte (junge Altstadt)
    • Werbung für die Piraten als Initiatoren
    • Freien Zugang zu Informationen ist im Sinne der Piratenpartei
    • Standortvorteil für die Stadt
  • Beschluss: Die Idee wird weiter verfolgt (5 zu 3 Stimmen)

2. Parley

WLAN in der Altstadt: Wer verfolgt das weiter und wie? Idee: Ein Pilotprojekt im Graben, das evtl. ausgeweitet wird. Bernhard Laubscher klärt das Interesse der jungen Altstadt als Sponsoren ab.

Dann kam die Schriftliche Anfrage von Freddy Künzler, jetzt ist die Antwort da:
GGR-Nr. 2012/030: Beantwortung der Schriftlichen Anfrage betr. City WLAN

Actions #1

Updated by mrw over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from mrw to snaipper
Actions #2

Updated by pcdog about 12 years ago

Ich biete folgendes An:

Zurverfügungstellung des Technischen Materials für 1 Jahr (Pilotprojekt, wenns benutzt wird schauen wir weiter)
Zurverfügungstellung der Öffentlichen IP auf meinen Firmennamen (via VPN Tunnel) => Damit ist die ABUSE thematik nicht ein Problem der Anschlussinhaber
Mein Knowhow - ist dann einfach Co-Sponsored von uns

Was ich brauche wäre
- Standorte, Verkablungsplätze
- Internetanschlüsse zum Mitbenutzen (einen EthernetPort reicht)

Ich betreibe Schweizweit eine grosszahl an Public WLAN instllationen und kann auch in Winti einen Pilot aufbauen. Die Postautoaccesspoints etwa habe ich die Pilotinstallation konzeptioniert :)

Actions #3

Updated by mrw about 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Parley 6 to Parley 7
Actions #4

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Work

Automatically changed from new state after 3 days

Actions #5

Updated by mrw over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Work to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #6

Updated by Apophis over 11 years ago

  • Project changed from Bezirkssektion Winterthur to Digitale Infrastruktur
  • Category deleted (Vorstoss)
  • Status changed from Closed to Needs Work
  • Target version deleted (Parley 7)
Actions #7

Updated by Apophis over 11 years ago

  • Project changed from Digitale Infrastruktur to Bezirkssektion Winterthur
Actions #8

Updated by mrw over 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Parley 11
Actions #9

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date set to 10 February 2013

Automatically enforce due date for Normal Priority to 30 days in the future

Actions #10

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 10 February 2013 to 13 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #11

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 13 February 2013 to 16 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #12

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 16 February 2013 to 19 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #13

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 19 February 2013 to 22 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #14

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 22 February 2013 to 25 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #15

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 25 February 2013 to 28 February 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #16

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 28 February 2013 to 03 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #17

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 03 March 2013 to 06 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #18

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 06 March 2013 to 09 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #19

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 09 March 2013 to 12 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #20

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 12 March 2013 to 15 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #21

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 15 March 2013 to 18 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #22

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 18 March 2013 to 21 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #23

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 21 March 2013 to 24 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #24

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 24 March 2013 to 27 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #25

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 27 March 2013 to 30 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #26

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 30 March 2013 to 02 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #27

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 02 April 2013 to 05 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #28

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 05 April 2013 to 08 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #29

Updated by diuuk over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Work to Won't Do
Actions #30

Updated by diuuk over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Won't Do to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF