ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined variable: entities

APPPATH/classes/model/ppsperson.php [ 346 ]

341                     $array[$field] = preg_replace($leading_cero, $entities[$this->c], $array[$field]);
342                 }
343             }
345             // Ensure the right country prefix
346             if( array_key_exists($this->c, $entities) AND ! preg_match('/^\\'.$entities[$this->c].'/', $array[$field]))
347             {
348                 $array->error($field, Misc::message('validate', 'phone_country'), array($array[$field]));
349             }
350         }
351     }
  1. APPPATH/classes/model/ppsperson.php [ 346 ] » Kohana_Core::error_handler()

  2. {PHP internal call} » Model_Ppsperson->validate_phone(arguments)

  3. SYSPATH/classes/kohana/validate.php [ 977 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments)

  4. MODPATH/ldap/classes/ldm.php [ 389 ] » Kohana_Validate->check()

  5. APPPATH/classes/controller/users.php [ 80 ] » LDM->check()

  6. {PHP internal call} » Controller_Users->action_create(arguments)

  7. SYSPATH/classes/kohana/request.php [ 1112 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(arguments)

  8. APPPATH/bootstrap.php [ 118 ] » Kohana_Request->execute()

  9. DOCROOT/index.php [ 108 ] » require(arguments)
