Bug / Feature #1173
closedCertificate wizard states that sub-certificates need to be signed by authorities again
Start date:
22 June 2011
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Request Type:
Feature Request
Affected Program:
Affected Users:
- Choose «Certificates=>Create», then «Voter for Subgroup»
- Go through the wizard
- On the last step, the wizard sais: «You need to print out your signing request and upload it to the server. Then you need to collect 3 signatures from elected voting authorities …»
However, when creating certificates for subgroups, the user doesn’t need any signatures.
Updated by Exception over 13 years ago
- Tracker changed from 3 to 1
- Status changed from New to 2
Updated by Exception over 13 years ago
- Status changed from 3 to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100