Motion #4765
closedProposition for simple publication processes
? Politblog:
1. Jedes Vorstandsmitglied darf (und soll) Politblogs schreiben.
2. Es markiert «nicht veröffentlicht»
3. Review durch die AG-PR, wenn ok dann Markierung auf «veröffentlicht»
? Communique:
1. Das Präsidium beschliesst ein Communique (mit Endtermin)
2. Information an AG-PI
3. Schreiben gemeinsam im Etherpad
4. Wenn fertig (Endtermin erreicht) veröffentlichen
? Generell Webseiten mit technischem Inhalt:
1. Jeder kann Inhalte nach bestem Wissen korrigieren und ergänzen
2. Die Oberhoheit liegt beim Aktuar
Updated by admin almost 12 years ago
- Due date set to 07 April 2013
Automatically enforce due date for Normal Priority to 30 days in the future
Updated by admin almost 12 years ago
- Assignee set to spale
Assign unassigined ticket to project leader
Updated by spale almost 12 years ago
Counter Proposal:
1) Some communiqué gets written (it does not really matter who wants and/or writes it).
2) AG PR is ready for publication and sends a mail to p@, pr@, press-releases@.
3) Once three members of the Presidency agree for publication, AG PR may publish.
4) AG PR may reject/refuse to publish, in that case it must inform p@ and file a motion for the matter to be voted at the next Presidency meeting.
1) Anyone can write a text and submit it to pr@
2) pr@ can publish or reject the text.
3) If the text is rejected, the author is informed.
4) If the author complains, AG PR will file a motion for the next Presidency meeting who will decide to publish or not.
Updated by alexis almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Considered
the counter proposition is accepted