Beschluss / Décision #6367
closedPPS Contribution to ITU Consultation
Start date:
09 April 2014
Due date:
11 April 2014
% Done:
Estimated time:
Beschlussart / Forme:
Mumblesitzung / Réunion mumble
Umsetzung / Réalisation:
Stimme/Vote Jorgo:
Stimme/Vote Pipo:
Stimme/Vote SteffG:
Stimme/Vote niggi:
Stimme/Vote Jonas:
Stimme/Vote Vipa:
Stimme/Vote Pascal:
Stimme/Vote jowi:
The ITU consultation:
One of our member, Richard Hill, proposes the attached contribution to the CWG internet at ITU.
The document is also forwarded to PPI for a double submission (to have more impact)
Question: Do we accept the attached document as the contribution to the ITU consultation?
Updated by kilian. almost 11 years ago
- Stimme/Vote Kilian set to Ja/Oui
good selecion of issues 7/8/11 and answer.
perhaps Issues 1: change to IPv6 (
Updated by Atropos almost 11 years ago
- Target version set to Vorstandsitzung 2014 04 15
- Beschlussart / Forme changed from Umlaufbeschluss / Décision circulaire to Mumblesitzung / Réunion mumble
Updated by Atropos almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Angenommen / Accepté