Beschluss / Décision #7277
closedSoutien action internationale - Defective by Design/FSF looking for Pirates to protest on Day Against DRM/May 3rd
Soutien action internationale - Defective by Design/FSF looking for Pirates to protest on Day Against DRM/May 3rd {{>toc}}
Faisant suite au message reçu de la part du leader des pirates du Massachussets (US), je demande au comité de prendre position quant au soutien de cette action.
demande (message en anglais)¶
Le message de James O'Keefe
Our friends at Defective by Design/FSF hold International Day Against DRM protests around the world every year. This year it >>will be on May 3rd.
They asked the Massachusetts Pirate Party to reach out to Pirate Parties and ask if they want to hold events.
Their event page is at:
If your pirate party is interested, please update the wiki page and/or contact Zak Rogoff <>.
Décisions à prendre¶
- Soutenons-nous cette action?
- Participons-nous à cette action?
- Si oui, qui prend en charge sa planification et sa communication?
- De quelle façon la mettons-nous en oeuvre?
Updated by biljanaambrosia almost 9 years ago
- Stimme/Vote Biljana set to Enthaltung/Abstention
Updated by kilian. almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Angenommen / Accepté
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Gem. Protokoll vom 27.04.2016
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