


Beschluss / Décision #7711

Updated by Exception about 7 years ago

h1. Antrag 

 Der Vorstand der Piratenpartei bestimmt die Delegation (2 Vertreter) für die GA der PPEU vom 25.5-15.6.2017.  

 1. Kilian Brogli 
 2. Stefan Thöni 
 3. Guillaume Saouli (Ersatz) 

 h1. Begründung 

 Hier der Link auf der Seite: 
 (Die Mails am 27.03.2017 und 14.5.2017 wurden an die korrekte Queue gesendet. eMail Adresse habe ich mit Board PPEU durchgeckt und stimmt, aber in Spam Ordner nichts gefunden. Ticket für Support wird evtl. noch erstellt) 

 Die Delegierten können an Muriel mit dem Beschluss vom VS der PPS noch gemeldet werden. 
 Traktanden und Nominationen ist die Deadline abgelaufen. 

 Im weiteren wird noch ein/mehrer Volunteer gesucht:  

 The board is looking for volunteers who can help out drafting the first 
 version of the Rules of Procedure that we will use in the Council Meeting, 
 and which will be discussed for any ammendments and approved from the 
 25th-28th of May. 

 The board is also looking for volunteers to chair the meeting. 

 Please spread the word among your members and colleagues who might be 
 willing to help. 

 --------------------- TL:DR ---------------------------------- 

 Detail-Meilensteine GA 

 This is the draft agenda for the meeting: 
 * Deadline for nominations for the Board (25th of April) 
 * Deadline for statutes changes or other proposals (25th of April) 
 * Opening of the meeting (25th of May) 
 * Rules of procedure (25th-28th of May) 
 * Decision on changes of statutes (29th of May until 5th of June) 
 * Election of board (6th to 8th of June) 
 * Membership fee (9th-12th of June) 
 * Admission of new members (13th-14th of June) 
     [Friuli Venezia Giulia Pirates haver resquested full membership to 
 European Pirates, or observer member, if it does not pass.] 
 * Closing of the meeting (15th of June) 

 Weiterführende Infos 

 Dear Members, 

 After more than one year of delay the board invites our members to 
 participate in a Council Meeting. The meeting will be held online and it 
 will take place from the 25th of May to the 15th of June to give all 
 members a reasonable amount of time to go online and participate in the 
 discussions and votings. Preceding the formal meeting there is an 
 additional month of preparation where you will be able to look at and 
 discuss the proposals and to appoint your Council delegates. 

 What we need from you for you to be able to participate in the meeting? 

 To    be able to be represented at the Council meeting you need to send us a 
 formal decision where you apoint your delegates. This should be a    decision 
 taken by your board, General Assembly or a body of equal    relevance 
 according to your statutes, and it should be documented in a    way that 
 allows us to verify the authenticity of the decision. The    decision has to 
 include the names of the delegates, in which order the    delegates have 
 voting rights, and for which time frame the appointment    as delegate is 
 valid. The number of delegates any member is entitled to    is defined in the 
 statutes, and you can find the exact numbers here:    We 
 also need you to send us the email addresses of your delegates so    that we 
 can invite them to the online platform where they will be able    to discuss 
 the proposals before the actual meeting starts. We would encourage you to 
 apoint your delegates for the duration of the full year to allow them to 
 represent you for any further council meetings that might happen this year 
 without the need for a new decision, but this is entirely up to you. 

 Election of the Board 

 As is it written in the statues, the Council meeting is suppossed to elect 
 a new Board. All the council members are kindly invited to nominate 
 candidates for the offices. All nominations must specify the particular 
 post for which the candidate is being proposed (i.e. Chairperson, 
 Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer or a Board Member without a special function). 
 Each Ordinary    Member may nominate and support several candidates. 

 All nominations need to be sent in no later than one month before the 
 meeting in accordance to the statutes. This means that the deadline for 
 nominations is 25th of April 2017. 

 The proposed statute changes 

 Our    working group on the statutes decided early on to do two versions of 
 the new statutes; one slim version with only the minimal changes    required 
 to move the association to Luxembourg and one more comprehensive version 
 with the purpose of streamlining the organization and removing defunct 
 paragraphs or unnecessary repetitions. The Council will then have to 
 decide on which one of the two versions that the board has proposed it 
 will proceed with. 

 The slim version will be found here. 

 The comprehensive version can be found here. 

 All the Council members are kindly invited to propose their own proposals 
 for statues changes.
