Meeting Log 21.12.2009 - 20:00 / mumble

Present: Apophis, Exception, Simon Rupf, cockroach, dergringo

Excused: Vanadis, gwrtheyrn, quiqum

Lead meeting: dergringo

Log writer: dergringo




Status Reports


bc. The list of proposed servers can be found here: []( -> the "Vorstand" has to decide now.


bc. Currently holds due to lack of C++ specific know-how. Simon Rupf will write a wiki article about what exactly is needed. We will then try to find someone who can accomplish the task.

Member DB

bc. Even Nyuu, the leader of the AG Organization, doesn't know anything about this project. He will gather the information and then pass it to us.

bc. The Domain has finally been transfered to the Switch account of the PPS. There are still some modifications we need to do (.htaccess and stuff).

Wiki usability


Next Meeting: Sunday, 10.01.10 / 20:00 / NEW Mumble Server