Meeting Log 03.05.2010 - 20:00 / mumble

Present: Apophis, dergringo, Vanadis, cockroach, Simon Rupf, Corvus, Exception

Lead meeting: Corvus

Log writer: dergringo



I = Information

D = Discussion

V = Vote

Title I D V
Status Reports: Mail (Syncom, SpamAssassin), Web (Drupal 2.0, Forum NG, Wiki NG), E-Voting (PiVote), MemberDB/LDAP x
Server Request by e-Voting x x
Project Hosting (camp2010) x x (x)
Security for the connection Drupal to LDAP x


Status Reports

Every DI Sub Project gives a short overview about the things that were going on.

<li><p>Mail (Syncom, SpamAssassin) cockroach</p>
<p>Mail runs. Nothing happened regarding the projects.</p></li>
<li><p>Web (Drupal 2.0, Forum NG, Wiki NG) Apophis/dergringo</p>
<p>Migration was done, though some errors need to get fixed.</p></li>
<li><p>E-Voting (PiVote) Exception/SimonRupf/Apophis</p>
<p>The first test was successful. Some minor features are missing. Also there is a long time to wait when calculating the prime numbers.</p></li>
<li><p>MemberDB/LDAP Corvus</p>
<p>MDB advances. Still some stuff missing.</p></li>

Server Request by e-Voting

The e-Voting project has requested a virtual machine for a first alpha test at

<li><p>What are the requirements for the server?</p>
<p>Exception: An OS with mono.</p></li>
<li><p>Can we use lechuck for this first test?</p>
<p>For the tests LeChuck is sufficient. We need to monitor the resources usage.</p></li>
<li><p>Who is responsible for this project and eVoting at all?</p>
<p>Simon Rupf. He was kind of inactive the last weeks. But he still takes the e-Voting project.</p></li>

Project Hosting

There was a request by Christian Loosli / Moira Bruelisauer to host the application form for the pirate camp this summer. (http://wiki.piratenpartei. ch/wiki/Piratencamp2010)

Security for the connection Drupal to LDAP

Drupal needs the authority to edit data in the LDAP-database. The integration module comes with two approaches.

Which of this solutions should we use? Are there other methods not mentioned yet?