Meeting Log 05.07.2010 - 20:00 / mumble


Lead meeting: Corvus

Log writer: dergringo


I = Information

D = Discussion

V = Vote

Status Reports [I]

Every DI Sub Project gives a short overview about the things that were going on.

<li><p>Mail -> cockroach</p>
<p>Mail works.</p></li>
<li><p>Web -> Apophis</p>
<p>Web runs. Nothing done since last meeting.</p></li>
<li><p>E-Voting (PiVote) -> Exception/SimonRupf/Apophis</p>
<p>Currently planning the Cosin presentation.</p></li>
<li><p>MemberDB/LDAP/MDBGui -> Corvus</p>
<p>Needs some bugfixes (memberIDs mixed up). Currently developing MDBGui.</p></li>

Requests [D,V]


General opinion and mood [I, D]

What does the AG DI and what should it do? A general overview from each meeting participant.

bc. dergringo: The tickets should be closed ASAP.
Exception: I'd like to see some progress with the e-Voting (code review, translation, "Abstimmungsordnung")
Corvus: I feel like we may work proactive.

Varia [I, D]

bc. cockroach: Captcha in Drupal registration form required due to lots of undelivered mails.

Next Meeting [D]

bc. 26.07.2010 / 20:00 Mumble