h1. AG DI Meeting vom 17. März 2013 *Anwesende Mitglieder* * _Corvus_ * _Exception_ * _mutand13_ * _oschad_ *Entschuldigte Mitglieder* * _Odi_ * _SimonRupf_ * _Tuor_ *Nicht entschuldigte Mitglieder* * _Vanadis_ *Sonstige Anwesende* *Ort:* _Mumble_ *Leitung:*_oschad_ *Protokollant:*_corvus_ *Beginn:* 19:00 h2. Mitteilungen * Corvus: Migration Sektionsseiten Schreite voran: http://projects.piratenpartei.ch/projects/ag-di/wiki/Infrastructure%3Emigrations * oschad: DNS Umstellung, Mailserver neu aufsetzen. System updates eingespielt. * mutand13: Nächste woche wieder internet. * oschad: Systeme müssen aktualisiert werden @yum update && reboot@ h2. Traktanden h3. Motion #4850 Ariel sent a message using the contact form at http://www.piratenpartei.ch/contact. Dear Pirates, My name is Ariel and I'm one of the ~40 founding members of the Partido de la Red (no public website available, yet!). We're an emerging political party from Buenos Aires, Argentina. We will go public in a few months, to partake in October's legislative elections for the City of Buenos Aires. While we're not strictly a local branch of the Pirate Party, we do share some of the principles of your Liquid Feedback system, as well as the values that derive from it. We're currently in the process of building our own software and would be delighted to get some advice on which voting rules were essential for achieving a balanced voting system. I was wondering if you or any of your party members would be willing to share the debates that you might have had over which rules the voting system should follow (whether the vote is secret, how to manage feedback when drafting proposals, etc.), as well as which are the pros and cons of each of them. We understand that parties like yours have already traveled down this daring road, and we would be rather grateful for your input as we position ourselves as a political alternative in Buenos Aires. In case any of you is available to have this conversation, I will get back to you with a detailed set of questions. Thank your for your taking the time to read this. Much appreciated! Zurück an den Absender. Wir kennen Liquid Feedback nicht. h2. Tickets/Kanban Mehrere Tickets besprochen und zugewiesen. h2. Ausblick * Nächste Sitzung: 24. März 19:00 *Ende:* 19:26 Uhr