AG DI Meeting vom 14. April 2013

Anwesende Mitglieder

Entschuldigte Mitglieder

Nicht entschuldigte Mitglieder

Sonstige Anwesende

Ort: Mumble
Protokollant: corvus
Beginn: 19:00


Traktanden / Varia

Interview with Cjeanneret

Cjeanneret applied for the SPO. The DI did an interview with him in order to give a statement the board.

Do we suggest Cjeanneret as SPO to the the baord?
Yes: Corvus, Exception, oschad, SimonRupf.
No: –
Abstain: –



5024        Needs Work        Anpassung Email-Verteiler 
Assign to SimonRupf.


5062        New        Update distribution list 
Assign to SimonRupf.
5045        New        Redmine - Tracker ändern
corvus: Will take a look at it.
5025        Needs Work        Consider adding graphic organigram with links
5018        Needs Work        LDAP für Stadt Zürich einrichten
Should be finished.
5005        Needs Feedback        LDAP-Struktur und Webseite für die Stadtsektion Zürich einrichten
Close for all child issues are done.
4984        k_in_progress         Mailliste
Waiting for awnser from the issue author. Not possible to creat lists for other domains thatn lists.pp.
4929        Needs Work        Zugriff LDAP & OTRS von N8mahr sperren
Move to Geschäftsleitung. Assign to Akallabeth.
4857        k_todo        Redmine aktualisiert die git Berechtigungen nicht mehr.
oshad: Do not have an update on it.
4728        k_in_progress        Host group für v-server
oshad: Done by now. Host created and seems to work.


Feedback on Redmine integrated services:
Git can be decoupled, DMSF is core feature and heavily used, PDF genereration is also heavily used.

SimonRupf: Will not attend the DI meeting the next two weeks.

Ende: 19:36 Uhr