h1. Manual vHost Creation In case the createvm script does not work as expected, here is a bit of documentation about how to do its work manually. run createvm script: It will provision a new VM and set the name(s) in the DNS. Sadly at this time the machine fails to install on its own, so a manual installation is necessary. Force the machine to shut down and then boot with this CD-ROM iso: /var/lib/libvirt/images/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso In boot menu choose "Install system with basic video driver" Language: english Keyboard: Swiss German (sg) Hostname: (Usually defined by the createvm script) Timezone: Europe/Zurich Set a root password Use all space for your installation remove CD-ROM drive change IP and gateway In /etc/sysconfig/network add this line: GATEWAY= In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 set these lines: BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes IPADDR=178.250.135.XX NETMASK= IPV6ADDR=2a02:16a0:ff00:1::XX/64 In /etc/resolv.conf set these lines: search production.piratenpartei.ch piratenpartei.ch nameserver After a reboot you should be able to login as root via SSH. yum -y install ntpdate ntpdate yum -y update chkconfig --del bluetooth chkconfig --del cups chkconfig portmap off rpm --import http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6 yum -y --nogpgcheck install http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm rpm --import http://yum.puppetlabs.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs yum -y --nogpgcheck install http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6/products/i386/puppetlabs-release-6-6.noarch.rpm yum -y install redhat-lsb yum -y install --nogpgcheck puppet mkdir -p /etc/pp/facts.d echo "pp_loc=rz1" >> /etc/pp/facts.d/puppet echo "pp_env=production" >> /etc/pp/facts.d/puppet echo "pp_hostgroup=vserver" >> /etc/pp/facts.d/puppet echo "pp_businessowner=ag-di" >> /etc/pp/facts.d/puppet echo " pluginsync = true" >> /etc/puppet/puppet.conf yum -y remove cups hal dbus abrt audit puppet agent --test --server=puppet.piratenpartei.ch puppet agent --test --server=puppet.piratenpartei.ch puppet agent --test --server=puppet.piratenpartei.ch Note: Yes, we execute puppet 3 times! The last run should no longer detect any changes.