


Model HowTo

  1. Create a new PHP file and name it the same as your LDAP objectclass.
  2. Create a new PHP class within these file named as your LDAP objectclass prefixed by "Model_" and extending LDM
    The objectclass must begin with a Capital
    class Model_Objectclassextends LDM
  3. Add the protected attribute $_attributesas as an associative array containing all LDAP attributes initialized with null.
    Group the attributes by internal, required and optional with a leading comment.
    Sort the atributes alphabetical.
     * List of attributes
    protected $_attributes = array(
     'createTimestamp' => null,
     'cn' => array(),
     'businessCategory' => array(),
  4. Add the protected attribute $_referers as array containing all LDAP attributes which holds a DN to another LDAP object.
    Sort the atributes alphabetical.
     * List of attributes holding a dn to an other object
    protected $_referers = array(
  5. Add the protected attribute $_protected as array containing all LDAP attributes which are read only.
    Group the attributes by internal, required and optional with a leading comment.
    Sort the atributes alphabetical.
     * protected attributes are read only
    protected $_protected = array(
  6. Add the protected attribute $_multivalues as array containing all LDAP attributes which can hold one or more values.
    Group the attributes by internal, required and optional with a leading comment.
    Sort the atributes alphabetical.
     * List of multivalue attributes
    protected $_multivalues = array(
  7. Add the protected attribute $_object_class containing the LDAP objectclass as string.
     * The object class must be set on each model. It corresponds with the internal
     * LDAP attribute 'structuralObjectClass'.
    protected $_object_class = 'objectclass';
  8. Add the protected attribute $_primary_key containing the RDN of the LDAP object as string.
     * Primary key can be used when creating objects with factory class
     * Example: $group = Dobject::factory('group', 'some value for the primary key');
     * Note: The primary key must be an unique value
    protected $_primary_key = 'cn';
  9. Create an empty class extending the just created one with a shorter or more speakable name.
    This step is optional. Is is only used to make life easier while programming.
    class Model_Shortname extends Model_Objectclass {}

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