



From 26 January 2013 to 26 March 2013

25 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

22 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

19 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

16 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

13 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

12 March 2013

19:32 Creation #3041 (Closed): Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
19:30 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
19:20 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
19:10 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
19:00 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:50 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:40 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:30 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:20 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:10 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
18:00 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:50 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:40 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:30 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:20 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:10 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin
17:00 Creation #3041: Creation of the Neuchâtel section's logo for Wordpress
No feedback for 60 days, ticket automatically set to Won't Do admin

10 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

07 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

04 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

01 March 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

26 February 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

23 February 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

20 February 2013

16:34 Creation #3480 (Closed): VC für Vorstand Zentralschweiz
00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

17 February 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

14 February 2013

00:00 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

11 February 2013

00:01 Task / Tâche #3006: PiVote Videos
Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty admin

28 January 2013

10:30 Motion #4473: Entscheid Reduktion Tabs
Anmerkungen aus technischer Sicht:
Bei den folgenden Tabs handelt es sich um Redmine-Basisfunktionalität. Diese kö...
03:50 Motion #4473: Entscheid Reduktion Tabs
Assign unassigined ticket to project leader admin
03:50 Motion #4473: Entscheid Reduktion Tabs
Automatically enforce due date for Normal Priority to 30 days in the future admin
03:48 Motion #4473 (Not Considered): Entscheid Reduktion Tabs
Ich finde es ein Unding, dass viele Projekte im Redmine mehrere Tabs haben hinter denen Daten und Dateien zwecks ähnl... Valio

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