h1. Protokoll der Vorstandssitzung * Ort: Mumble * Datum: 11 . 02. .201 4 * Zeit: 2 1: 00 MESZ * Ende: 24: 12 m MESZ * Leitung: Alexis Roussel * Protokoll: Alle h3. Anwesende * Alexis Roussel (ARO) * Pascal Gloor (PGL) * Marc Wäckerlin (MWA) * Fabien Wulff-Georges (FWG) * Oliver Schad (OSC) * Simon Rupf (SRU) h1. Information h2. Information von: _OSC_ Nehme die Sitzung auf, werde die Sitzung bald wieder verlassen, Simon wird die GL-Standpunkte vertreten. h2. nformation von: _MRW_ MRW: OSC hatte noch ein Problem mit einem Forenbeitrag. Würde das gerne noch heute abend mit ihm klären. h2. Information von: _OSC_ * *OSC:* Ich habe Severin um Entschuldigung gebeten. Ich war von einer anderen Rechtslage ausgegangen. Deshalb war mein Vorgehen gegen Severin ungerechtfertigt und ich habe mich entschuldigt. Das wird natürlich nicht mehr vorkommen. Ich hoffe, er nimmt die Entschuldigung an. Ich werde einen besseren Umgang mit Severin erreichen in Zukunft MRW & ARO: Das ist sehr wichtig. h1. Traktanden h2. Annahme des Protokolls Link zum letzten Protokoll: https://projects.piratenpartei.ch/projects/pps-board/wiki/Protokolle%3E2014-02-04 *Diskussion* * *SRU:* Aus meiner Sicht handelt es sich nicht um ein Vorstandsprotokoll. * *OSC:* Schliesse mich dieser Sicht an. * *MRW:* Bin der Ansicht dass es sich dabei und bei den vorherigen um Vorstandsprotokolle handelt. *Abstimmung* *Nehmen wir das Protokoll an? ** Ja (MWA,PGL,ARO) ** Nein (OSC, SRU) ** Enthaltung (FWG) * *Das Protokoll ist genehmigt!* h2. Traktandum #6111 https://projects.piratenpartei.ch/issues/6111 eingereicht von: _Alexis_ _Marc_ *Antragstext:* Der Vorstand möge folgenden Beschluss gemäss Art. 11 Geschäftsreglement Vorstand PPS fassen. Die Server der Piratenpartei Schweiz werden gemäss Offerte von Adfinis SyGroup für 100 Sfr im Monat exkl. MWSt pro Server in der colo Bern untergebracht[1]. Traffic und Strom sind in diesem Preis inbegriffen. [1] http://www.colobern.ch/de/main/index.php Antrag Steller: Marc, Alexis *Diskussion* * *ARO:* Das heisst, den Vertrag mit der Automatic Server AG künden, den Transport organisieren. * After short discussion it was agreed to discuss in English to avoid problems with translation between French and German. * *OSC:* When is it planned? Why did I receive a letter by Floh to deliver the servers on Monday when we decide this today? * *MRW:* It was already decided last week and date planned was last week, but due to resitance of OSC and his company, this was not possible. * *ARO:* Oliver you have to be careful. * *SRU:* What is the reason for this? Welche Vor- und Nachteile haben die drei bereits begutachteten Standorte bei Nine, Green und Adfinis? Was würdet Ihr von der Alternative Init7 halten? Der Vorteil bei letzterem ist, dass diese ebenfalls im Letzigraben Housing anbieten, wo unsere Server derzeit stehen. Der Umzug würde sich damit auf das verschieben in ein anderes Rack im RZ beschränken und dank separatem Rack-Schlüssel sind wir sicher, dass nur noch berechtigte Personen Zugriff haben. Gegen den Standort Adfinis wurde von Mitgliedern bereits der Vorwurf laut, dass dies nur bedingt besser als der alte Standort sei, da auch dort ein Mitglied geschäftlich Zugang hat. Für Init7 würde diesbezüglich sprechen, dass deren CEO Fredy Künzler bei unserer politischen Konkurrenz, der SP ist (u.a. als Gemeinderat in Winterthur). *Diskussion* * *SRU:* If the access of specific persons to the rack is the reason to move the servers from Automatic Server AG this would not be an improvement since Denis Simonet has access to the racks at the new place. * *OSC:* Automatic Server AG supports any actions of our clients, as long as they are legal. For Init7 also speaks that we could easily move the IPs to them. * *ARO:* Last week the decision was already taken and we have already taken steps towards this and the contract is already signed. With Automtic Server we have a member of the board which is ownerof the company, while Denis is a normal employee, not a director, with no privileges. * *OSC:* So you want to tell me that we make this meeting and you already made all the decisions already and we can go home? * *ARO:* No, there are still points open for discussion. We made some decisions already that cannot be averted. * *MRW:* We could go back, but not a no costs. * *OSC:* You make so great decisions guys. * *SRU:* What is the actual reason for this? * *ARO:* Somebody from the board should not have direct access to the server. * *SRU:* Why didn't you ask the AG-DI * *OSC:* Why didn't you ask Simon Rupf, Fabien? * *MRW:* Because Fabien and Simon were not present. They were invited but decided not to come. We would have welcomed them to discuss * *OSC:* Why did you ask (was that Apo or STH?) to collect data from the servers, when was that decided? We have that in the logs. * *ARO:* STH acted within his scope of operation, it was normal and expected. * *OSC:* We have proof that STH did that on Thursday and in the night fomr Thursday to Friday. Who did permit that? Who made the decision? * *ARO:* He was there to see if at was possible to make a backup * *OSC:* This was a private decision? This is your interpretation of the law? * *ARO:* I make the decision to see if we can make a backup to secure our data if there is no trust into someone. * MRW, SRU und ARO sprechen gleichzeitig * *SRU:* The access that OSC mentioned already happened at the 30. & 31. of January, before the decision by the presidium was made. * *OSC:* Let me state that clear. STH was not allowed to do that. You allowed that. Moira got access to the MDB, you allowed to do that. * OSC and ARO talk at the same time. * _ARO entzieht OSC die Sprachrechte._ * *ARO:* If I see that something is not working I get people to work that, make that decision and let them help * *SRU:* To my knowledge there were three cases. Over the holydays! * _ARO gibt OSC die Sprachrechte zurück_ * *OSC:* So when you talk about law it sounds a bit weird. You talk about law and do things that are not legal. We talk about things about Fabien later, that was the same shit. * *MRW:* Diskutieren wir doch diese Punkte in den Varia * *OSC:* We want to make the best decision for our base, the pirates, right. Many people do things that are not right. And I mean when we want to act and to go forward to gether to reach something we cant act like we did in the lsat weeks and today. We have to find an end to all that and not killing people. * *SRU:* The reason for all of this is a trust reason with OSC and SRU? * *FWG:* That's what I understood too. * *ARO:* Not according to SRU, but according to OSC. * *OSC:* Was FWG informed? * *FWG:* I was absent. * *ARO:* Cites statues about absence: FWG did not show up in the last meetings. * *OSC:* Who was informed in the steps starting at thursday? * *MRW:* There was a big abuse of rights by a boardmember. If you have to raise a complaint you need 5 partymembers, so there were talks behind the scenes * *OSC:* Who was involved? * *MRW:* You have the answer. * *OSC:* What about Stefan Thöni? I don't know what he tries to do with me. He was involved with Alexis he stated that * *MRW:* I asked Stefan first, but as President of the Court he told me that he takes no position and that I should ask someone else. * *OSC:* And a few days later he's the president of the court and takes action against me. * *ARO:* That was before any decision was made. * Atropos schreibt in Kanal dass sie sich äussern will, diesen Entscheid müsste ARO fällen * *MRW:* You have also two hats. Other than OSC, Stefan has immediately stopped any contact and information as soon as the first legal question was raised. * *SRU:* I would like to have one question about the companies and then one if we want to move the servers to this company. * *FWG:* So is this extreme measure justified? * *ARO* informiert FWG auf französich über das Problem mit dem Interessenskonflikt und dem Rechtemissbrauch bei der «Entrechtung» des Moderators. * *ARO:* We already have a contract. * *SRU:* We can change this now. * *OSC:* Suggests init7. Wants todo it after assembly. Contract with Automatic Server AG say 3 months to stop contract. Downtime would be 30 minutes. * *SRU:* I posted the motions in a different order. * *OSC:* What is the conrete price * *SRU:* How many IPs are included? * *OSC:* How many VLANs are included? * *ARO:* 4 IPs. * *OSC:* We have now 32. And 10 VLANs. Maybe you should ask someone from the technical staff * *ARO:* This is not a technical decision. It's about the relationship. * *MRW:* As far as I know it is possible to get more IPs. * *ARO:* What I hear about the IPs its that we can work with four IPs. * *OSC:* We need the concrete price * *MRW:* That is really a technical issue. If necessary we can temporarily get more IPs. * *OSC:* We have to migrate a lot of stuff because we don't have enough IPs. We need to shutdown a lot of stuff. We should have the complete price of the package and then make a decision. * *ARO:* We now go for the actual decision * *FWG* says he would vote pragmatical no due to the lack of information * *MBR* schreibt in Kanal dass OSC kein Stimmrecht hat in dieser Sache * Discussion about the number of servers and what has to be done between FWG and MRW * *SRU:* OSC and I prepared a list of what needs to be done last week, I post this here: h3. ToDo Laut Simon und Oli * Aktuelle Verwendung von IP Adressen prüfen und am neuen Ort ein passendes Subnetz bestellen. Falls es CIDR-mässig gerade aufgeht, eine Nummer grösser bestellen. * Puppetmaster auf neues Subnetz vorbereiten, aber dies noch nicht ausrollen. Dies betrifft besonders die Konfigurationen von: ** Firewall ** Proxy * wasserfester Filzstift, helles Gaffer-Tape, Kabelbinder, Käfigmuttern und Schrauben und passendes Werkzeug (Schaubenzieher, Seitenschneider, etc.) organisieren (wurde beim letzten Mal vergessen, weshalb wir welche Leihweise von der Automatic Server erhalten haben) * Ersatz-Netzwerkkabel verschiedener Längen bereithalten * Falls in ein anderes RZ gezügelt wird, Fahrzeug organisieren * Zwei Personen organisieren (evtl. ist eine bereits als Fahrer des Fahrzeugs gegeben) * SSH-Schlüssel aller an der Migration direkt beteiligten Personen auf allen Servern ausrollen * Umzugszeitpunkt planen * Mitglieder/Sektionen über den Ausfall informieren * DNS TTLs auf eine Stunde reduzieren * SQL-Skript vorbereiten um DNS-Einträge rasch ändern zu können (In beide Richtungen, damit man ein Versehen rasch korrigieren kann) * Backups aller Systeme durchführen und prüfen (es sind um die vierzig VMs) * Jedes System mindestens einmal neustarten um zu prüfen ob irgendwelche Probleme auftreten und sicherzustellen, dass nach dem Umzug nicht alle Maschinen beim Hochfahren gleichzeitig einen Dateisystem-Check durchführen und sich dadurch gegenseitig ausbremsen. *Beim Umzug:* * Glue-Records der DNS-Server bei SWITCH ändern * Root-Passwörter der VM-Hosts zurücksetzen und bei beiden einen der privaten SSH-Schlüssel hinterlegen, welche Zugang auf alle Hosts haben * Alle Kabel welche Teil der Infrastruktur sind, beschriften * Server (wenn nicht bereits vorhanden) vorne und hinten mit Klebeband und Filzstift beschriften * Skizze anfertigen, welcher Server oben und welcher unten ist und welche Kabel wo eingesteckt sind * Geräte physisch herunterfahren * Geräte vorsichtig ausbauen * Alle Kabel und allfällige Kleinteile einsammeln, sicherstellen, dass kein Werkzeug oder ähnliches im Rack vergessen geht * Abnahme durch Betreiber bestätigen lassen * Server überführen * Entgegennahme von Zugangsbadges des neuen Anbieters * Am neuen Standort Server einbauen * Nachdem alles verkabelt ist, Server starten * Auf den VM-Hosts physisch einloggen und beginnen die wichtigen Systeme hochzufahren: Puppetmaster, Datenbank, DNS, Firewall, Proxy * Mit Puppet die vorbereiteten Konfigurationen der neuen IPs auf Firewall und Proxy ausrollen * SQL-Skript auf DNS-Datenbank ausrollen * Prüfen ob der Zugang per SSH von aussen per mitgebrachten Laptops via externes Internet (GSM-Modem, evtl. Gäste-WLAN) möglich ist. * Restliche VMs hochfahren, Infrastruktur-VMs zuerst (NFS, etc.). Hilfreich kann sein das Monitoring System zu nutzen um allfällige Probleme rasch zu erkennen. * Alle Probleme lösen, die nicht eingeplant wurden *Diskussion geht weiter* * *OSC:* Of course this planning does not involve the extra effort needed to migrate to something smaller. * *ARO:* Let's rephrase the question. *Are we accepting the offer by AdfinisSysgroup and move the servers there.* I want yes, no *Abstimmung* * *Do we take AdfinisSygroup for housing?* ** Yes (MRW, PGL, ARO) ** No (SRU, OSC) ** Abstention (FWG) * *Der Antrag ist angenommen!* * *MRW:* Wasn't there a conflict of interest with OSC voting? * *ARO:* No since the contract is with a new company * *MRW:* But the decision includes that the existing contract has to be revoked. * *ARO:* The termination of the old contract is a consequence of the decision. * *OSC:* The contract ends if you want to end it now in three months. * *ARO:* If the board is in agreement we * *MRW:* Do we need a written resign? * *OSC:* Yes of course. Written consent is neccessary, it's a minefield today. * *ARO:* A written notice was already delivered to OSC * *OSC:* It's another point if you go to such efforts. Let's discuss it later I'm really sick and I don't want to go into legal stuff when I'm sick. It's taking too long, this meeting. * *MRW:* It's not necessary for our contract to end to get our servers back? * *OSC:* No of course not because we're a company not a christmas even * *MRW:* Do we have access to our servers at any time yes or no? * *OSC:* I gave you the answer. * *MRW:* Is access to the servers part of the contract yes or no? * *PGL:* It means planned. * *ARO:* this is point 6113, where we talk about planning at waht time the servers are moved h2. Traktandum #6113 https://projects.piratenpartei.ch/issues/6112 eingereicht von: _Alexis_, _Marc_ Der Vorstand möge folgenden Beschluss gemäss Art. 11 Geschäftsreglementes Vorstand PPS fassen. Die betroffene Person tritt gemäss Art. 9 des Geschäftsreglementes des Vorstandes sowohl bei der Abstimmung wie auch bei einer allfälligen Diskussion in den Ausstand. I.) Oliver Schad werden per sofort seine Aufgaben und sämtliche Rechte als Mitglied der AG DI entzogen, aller diesbezüglichen Pflichten enthoben und er wird mit sofortiger Wirkung aus der AG DI ausgeschlossen. Oliver Schad wird angewiesen, sämtliche Zugangsdaten, Zertifikate und alle weiteren übertragbaren, im Zusammenhang mit der Tätigkeit für die AG DI erlangten Informationen an Alexis Roussel binnen 48 Stunden herauszugeben und allfällige Kopien zu vernichten. Oliver Schad ist anzuweisen, hernach alle Datenbearbeitungen an der IT der Piratenpartei zu unterlassen, welche über die Rechte eines normalen Users oder denen des Schatzmeisters hinausgehen. II.) Der Housingvertrag mit der Automatic Server AG, Waldhofstrasse 16a, 9240 Uzwil wird auf den frühest möglichen Zeitpunkt aufgelöst. Die Server sind per einem vom Vorstand festzusetzenden Termin bereitzustellen. Diese werden durch eine vom Vorstand beauftragte Person bei der Automatic Server AG abgeholt. Die Automatic Server AG und ihre Angestellten werden erst zum Zeitpunkt der Abholung von ihren vertraglichen Pflichten entbunden und haften für alle Schäden aus Vertragsbruch, deliktischer, anderer unerlaubter oder ähnlicher Handlung sowohl straf- wie auch zivilrechtlich. Bei einer Abholung der Server vor Ablauf der Kündigungsfrist des Vertrags kommt die PPS ihren vertraglich festgelegten finanziellen Verpflichtungen nach. III.) Oliver Schad wird angewiesen, die Zugangsdaten für den im Namen der Piratenpartei Schweiz gehaltenen Account bei der Switch AG und allfällig bei der Hetzner AG unverzüglich an Alexis Roussel herauszugeben. Als Holder, technischer Kontakt und Rechnungskontakt wird der Präsident Alexis Roussel eingetragen. No Votation, as Oli stepped back h3. Discussion about Tickets #6113 & #6117 and #6113 * *SRU:* I still thinks it's in no relation to what OSC has done. In other cases you took no such measures against actual and former members of the party. * *ARO:* The difference is, that this is a current member of the board. * *OSC:* Two things: What is the reason that you took the account of the DNS, it's the role of the technical infrastructure guys, you did that in the dark like the thing with STH. * *ARO:* Not the question here but I can give some information. I sent you a request one month ago to change some of the information on the Switch account which you was not fulfilled. * *SRU:* The SWITCH account was given to me about a month ago and I tried to do that change last friday. That was not OSCs but my fault. * *OSC:* Can you give us the part of the statute that allows you to do that * *ARO:* This was a decision by the board according to Art. 9bis alinea 8 of the Bylaws * *OSC:* Have we an answer in the protocol for that ? * *ARO:* The decision by the board overwrites of course any decision of the GL * *OSC:* It was a statement, I will check that. * *MRW:* See protocol that was accepted at the beginning. * *OSC:* And you are the board, right? * *ARO:* All decision were backed by the majority of the board. * *OSC:* And I'm Chuck Norris and take some important decisions, right? No, you do what you want. * *MRW:* We are responsible for the functioning of the infrastructure, and all deciosn were made after the abuse of the administrator account. * *SRU:* The security issue that you mean happened on Jan 31, right? * _Discussion about when that happened. It is clarified, that this happened at the 30th._ * *ARO:* We're going to vote on the issue we're talking about now * *OSC:* I offered to leave the AG-DI until the decision and don't know whether I'll come back. Maybe if we the infrastructure guys have any question I can help. So I step back from the AG-DI without any decision. * *ARO:* We accept your resignation with your assurance that you touch nothing with administration rights until it's moved. * *OSC:* The infrastracture is my baby and of course I want to protect it from any harm. * *ARO:* We drop the decision to remove you from AG-DI on the condition that you don't touch the infrastructure any more. * *MRW:* One important point to add. Thanks OSC for this cooperation. But we need the access rights or whatever we need to move it to the new one. * *SRU:* OSC gave me together with the switch accounts all the information for access in early January. I can revoke his public key in the puppet. * _AROverdankt OSCs für seine Arbeit._ * *SRU:* I'd like the question about whether you still trust me as the leader of the AG-DI. I'd need to take a couple of days off to help you with that if you still trust me otherwise there would be no point. * *ARO* brings topic trust up. * *SRU:* 2 or 3 days prep, 4 days for the move. Nothing that can be done by anybody today or tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm the right person, you have trust issues with me, after this week I have trust issues with you, especially since you trust Thomas Bruderer and not me. That's why I want to know if you still trust me or not. I would hand you over all the * *ARO:* If you have trust issues with the rest of the board. What would tell me that you would do the move correctly? * *SRU:* That's the question. I trust the people. What you can trust me:I will never do something against the members of the party. * *SRU:* I assure you what I do I'll do it with my whole heart. * *MRW:* I trust you. The trust problem is that you were not there last week. I hoped you were there. When I had to decide last week, Apophis was there, you weren't. We were in an exceptional situation. What OSC tells me that you have discussed gives me trust into you, so I trust you. * *ARO:* Thank you. I trust you when you say that you take all the efforts necessary and all the help necessary. And its important the server need to be moved as soon as possible. * *SRU:* I dont think I can do that within days. And I would appreciate you decide on this question anyway. * *ARO:* Do you want to do it yes or no? * *SRU:* I would do it, but I don't want to. There obviously is a trust issue. This is clearly visible now. * *MRW:* I know SRU quite well, have so for years. He will do so, even thou he doesn't agree with our decisions and political stuff, did I unterstand this right? * *SRU:* I need to discuss this with my boss to see if I can get days of work and how fast. * *ARO:* When can you do it? * *OSC:* SRU will do his job very well, he's trustworthy. His last days in the board he stated that already. It's a question of honor to answer him if he's still trustworthy. * *MBR:* Can someone else do it faster? * *MRW:* What is the worst thing that can happen if SRU starts this weekend instead of tomorrow. * *SRU:* Maybe you are right and we should move on to the discussion so you guys can get a decision quickly * *MRW:* Simon knows the system best, technically he would be the best person. * *ARO:* You know that here you have 6 people who trust your capabilities and it's never been a thing about you. * *SRU:* I cannot see that you trust me from the actions you took so far. I know this is what you believe. I will do it, even thogh I do not like it. * *MRW:* If we give you this job, can you give us a timeframe? * *SRU:* Realistic I would tell you that it is the 23rd according to my above mentioned calculation. But if you want to have it as quickly as possible, than I may not be the best bet. * *MRW:* DSI has written on part of AdfinisSysgroup that it is fine. We don't need to escalate this * _OSC leaves and will listen to everything later._ * *MRW:* Do you still need a forum change? * *OSC:* We discussed this by mail. No games anymore. Now you have to face the consequences. *Consensus:* * The servers will be migrated by SRU until the 23.2.14. _OSC leaves the meeting as he is heaving headegs._ * *SRU:* I suggest to move the forum topic to another meeting of the presidents. #6118 h2. Motion: #6110 the VDS complaint of the "Digitale Gesellschaft" (see the corresponding mail by Kire) should be supported by the Pirate Party. I suggest following measures: * signature of the Digitale Gesellschaft's press release by the Pirate Party; * informing the public via our social media channels; * write about VDS and the complaint on our website; * install a crowd financing plattform for the funding of the complaint; * organize a podium discussion about freedom, security and the VDS; * move on with our BÜPF-Petition; * Lobbying if you can (spale & scifor?); * ... Be creative and thx for making politics! Nobody in the board has access to the document. One of the listeners sends the boards a copy. The presidents will decide this outside of the meeting after reading it. Pascal will review it and get back to the presidents with his Zusammenfassung. Consensus * *MRW:* For me it looks good. PGL: Go on! * *ARO* brings up the idea of an accountant. SRU will forward you the newest information about the state of the Rechnung, etc. h2. Motion: #6109 Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Sehr geehrte Vorstandsmitglieder Gemäss Art. 14 Abs. 4 der Statuten benennt der Vorstand den Vorsitzenden für die PV. Das sich Marc Schäfer dieses Jahr leider nicht mehr zur Verfügung stellt, möchte ich an seiner Stelle Moira Brüllisauer als Vorsitzende der PV vorschlagen. Freundliche Grüsse Stephan Jau *Discussion* * *SRU:* I just want to remind MRW how it was when MBR lead the assembly. It was very efficient. I personally think that MBR would be the best for this job although I respect her work very much. * *PGO:* I could do it, but I need to leave at 3pm. * *MBR:* And you are still a member of the board. * _Stefan Thöni is proposed by MRW. A lot of people are proposed..._ * Someone suggests Daniel Ceskowski *Abstimmung* *Should Daniel lead the assembly?* ** Yes (all) ** No () ** Abstention () * *Der Antrag ist angenommen* h1. Varia h2. Board meetings eingereicht von von: _SRU_ *Diskussion* * *SRU:* Just as an information: Oli and I will not join the meetings anymore. If anything important is coming up, we can always be invited. *ARO*: If anything important coming up, we will invite you. *MBR*: something about plans of the GL. * *SRU:* OSC and SRU don't want to be part of the Tuesday-meetings and SRU suggests to make Präsidium-meetings only. * *ARO:* suggests: 18. Präsidium-Meeting, 25. Full Board-Meeting * *SRU:* Please invite more than 24h ahead * *ARO:* Ok, if necessary we sent topics in advance. If during the week one point needs a fullboard decision, then next tuesday is a full board meeting, if there is no such point, it is a präsidiums meeting. h2. forum post MRW: I have changed the forum post. h2. *Fragen der Mitglieder* *Frage:* - Basierend auf welchen stichhaltigen Fakten wurde die vorliegende Eskalation mit Oliver durch das Präsidium so schnell vorangetrieben? Bitte veröffentlicht auch die Anklage und Antwort des Piratengerichts. Oliver Schad belegte mehrfach durch E-Mails und Posts, dass er an einer Geheimhaltung kein Interesse hat. * Wieso pocht das Präsidium auf Geheimhaltung, wo doch der einzige Angeklagte die Öffentlichkeit nachweislich wünscht? * Was wurde konkret unternommen, um zu deeskalieren oder eine einvernehmliche moderate Lösung zu finden? * Wo finden wir verbindlich alle Protokolle und Daten aus Vorstand, Präsidium, Geschäftsleitung? Bitte aktualisiert die Infos auf den Webseiten entsprechend. * Wo finden wir verbindlich alle Protokolle und Daten aus dem Piratengericht? Bitte aktualisiert die Infos auf den Webseiten entsprechend. * Wann / wo finden die nächsten Sitzungen von Vorstand, Präsidium, Geschäftsleitung statt? * Wann findet die erwähnte Verhandlung vor dem Piratengericht statt, wer sind die Teilnehmer und wie kann man teilnehmen sofern öffentlich? An einer Geheimhaltung durch den Angeklagten besteht nachweislich kein Interesse. * Wann sind die Server der PP offline wegen durch den Vorstand angeordneten Aktionen? eingereicht durch: Jorgo *Diskussion* *ARO*: Does the discussion of today explain the reasons? *Jorgo*: It seems disappointing how you work together. Why was it all done in secret? What were the motions by MBR? What is the publicity of the court? *Antwort* *ARO*: The motions discussed today were copies of the motions last week. There is some discussion about it. * _The court is having closed meetings and publishes anonymized decisions.* *MRW*: These disputes should not be done in public. It is better for later deescalation. *ARO*: We can discuss on the assembly if we need a court or not. This is an open question. *Frage:* 2 Questions: # We already heard by OSC and SRU that they will not candidate again, but how about the other members of the board, I don't think they stated their plans yet. If that is an incorrect point me to those statements. # If you do not candidate again, will you stay in the board until April 1st or May 1st (depending on Bylaw-changes) eingereicht durch: Thomas Bruderer *Answers* * *PGL:* I plan to finish the mandate but I won't candiate for reelection * *SRU*: Regarding 2): I will fulfill the duty for which I have been elected for its full duration. * *MRW:* Depends on the Bylaws. I said the my mandate will be temporary, but If there are people missing I will candidate again, if there are enough candidates, I haven't descided yet. * *FWG:* I havent decided yet * *ARO:* There are two years to plan until the Election, and want to plan the strategy. So yes I will canidate for another term. *Frage:* Unterstützt der Vorstand folgendes und sollen die Mitglieder darüber informiert werden? http://copywrongs.eu/ eingereicht durch: Guillaume *Diskussion* *ARO*: Note * *Moira:* Please note that mandat period ends in March(?) * *SRU:* We just want to finish our work. h1. Schluss und nächste Sitzung Sitzung wird durch den Sitzungsleiter geschlossen um 00:12 - 12.02.2014 Die nächste Sitzung ist am 19.2.2014 in Mumble um 21:00.