



Bug / Feature #1702


French translation and english naming

Added by Exception over 13 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
25 September 2011
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Request Type:
Feature Request
Affected Program:
Affected Users:


Also, I take the opportunity to give the following interface translations:


Current -> Actuel
Archive -> Archives

Menus, by order

- Rafraîchir

- Créer
- Reprendre la création
- Recharger
- Gérer
- Générer signe de vérification


- Configuration

About the english version of the certificate creation window, I should add that I almost filled it this way when creating my Notary certificate:

Given Name: Gaël Marmillod
Surname: Die's Man

due to the french proximity of surname with surnom, which actually means "nickname".

These seem to be "technically" correct translation, but what do you think about using the common "online" terms usually encountered ?

These would be "First Name" and "Last Name".


Updated by diesman almost 13 years ago

Hi !

Discovering this ticket, I take the opportunity to submit additional (and hopefully clearer) contributions for Pi-Vote.

See Attached images.

Actions #2

Updated by diesman almost 13 years ago

About "DNS Failure":

For non-IT savvy people, I'd suggest "Server could not be reached" -> "Le serveur n'a pas pu être contacté"

Actions #4

Updated by diesman almost 13 years ago

Syntax notes:

  • Italic means the text is a comment
  • Unless it is present in the original text, a "/" means "Option 1/Option 2". Option 1 will suggest a commonly used word, and Option 2 a more technical/literal translation

Important note on "Tally" meaning

Going through the translation, I wondered if I had the correct understanding of "tally" and "tallying".

I translated it to "décompte", "décompter", etc.. but am unsure if it totally right.

"Décompter" is the general act of detailing various counts that pile up, like for taxes.

But for the act of counting votes, there's a specific word for that.

So, if the goal is to imply "the server gives you stuff to count and verify", using "décompte(r)" is fine.

But if we specifically want to mean that the user/client receives the ballots, and makes a count of "yes", "no", "abstain", verifies it and produces a result, the specific word in a vote situation is "dépouiller".

To my understanding, that's what Pi-Vote/Circle does (except he doesn't and can't open one specific vote but mathematically derivates the amount of "yes", "no", etc.. from the ballots to ensure individual vote confidentiality).

So if we're in that case translations should be as follows:

to tally -> dépouiller
(a) tally -> (un) dépouillement
tallying -> en dépouillement

Hope this helps, and that this "by screenshot" translation method isn't too much of a hassle for the devs !

Actions #5

Updated by diesman almost 13 years ago

Translation for the 1st step of "Create Certificate" of Circle interface

Circle - Créer un certificat

Créer un certificat de vote entièrement nouveau. Choisis cette option si tu découvres Pi-Vote/Circle ou si ton ancien certificat n'est plus valide.

Electeur pour sous-groupe
Créer un certificat de vote pour un sous-group à partir d'un certificat existant. Choisis cette option si tu veux créer un certificat pour des votes régionaux ou locaux

Responsable/Autorité de vote
Créer un nouveau certificat pour un responsable/autorité de vote. Choisis cette option si tu as été élu en tant que responsable/autorité de vote

Créer un nouveau certificat pour un notaire. Choisis cette option si tu as été élu en tant que notaire.

Actions #6

Updated by Exception over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 2
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I'm now working on that. I didn't realize, your translation hat progressed so far. It will definitely be in the next version. Note that there are still many more messages to be translated.

I've uploaded the translation files (CSV) so everyone can work on them. Please follow the rules outlined when doing so.

Actions #7

Updated by cta over 12 years ago

Would love to help, but am not allowed to lock the files :/

Actions #8

Updated by Exception over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from 2 to 3
  • % Done changed from 10 to 100

Implemented and released.

Actions #9

Updated by Apophis about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from 3 to Closed

closed after one month


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