Task / Tâche #3496
closedTicino Section Approval
Dear Thomas,
I Hereby submit for your consideration the final documents and informations for our cantonal section to be approved.
You can find the bylaws attached.
The members of the Board are and respective roles are:
- President & Communication Manager: Angela Sàez
- Executive Vice President Strategy & Operations: Carlo Brancati
- Executive Vice President Legal Affairs & Policies: Matthias Ghidossi
- Executive Vice President Information Technology: Michel Jacquier
- Treasurer: Diana Paganini
As far as the subscriptions' payments are concerned I confirm that all has been well done by Andreas Eigenmann and we received 100€ from it.
Kind regards,
Updated by Pseudomonas over 12 years ago
Die 100.- waren nicht von mir.
Die Akkreditierung verlief gut, es waren 8 Gründungsmitglieder anwesend. Die Statuten wurden mehrfach überprüft und korrigiert, die letzte Version erfüllt alle Anforderungen.
Morgen werde ich nicht an der Präsidiumssitzung anwesend sein um allfällige Fragen zu beantworten.
Updated by Apophis over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100