



Task / Tâche #3716



Added by mrw almost 12 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Needs Work
Target version:
Start date:
21 September 2012
Due date:
23 April 2013 (over 11 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:


z.B. Schriftliche Anfrage

In Winterthurer Parkplätzen gibt es Frauenparkplätze.
  • Auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage stehen diese?
  • Wie sind diese mit dem Grundsatz auf Rechtsgleichheit und Gleichberechtigung vereinbar?
  • Welchen Einfluss hat der Stadtrat darauf?
  • Welche Verbindlichkeit hat die Auszeichnung eines Parkplatzes als Frauenparkplatz?
  • Schmälert die Einführung von unverbindlichen Deklarationen wie Frauenparkplätzen nicht die Akzeptanz und Einhaltung der verbindlichen und gerechtfertigten Sonderparkplätze für Behinderte?
  • Wäre es nicht zumindest sinnvoll, die Frauenparkplätze geschlechtsneutral umzubenennen in «Parkplätze für ängstliche Personen»?
  • Findet es der Stadtrat auch besonders ironisch, dass der Urania-Mord, der zur Einführung von Frauenparkplätzen geführt hat, ausgerechnet von einer Frau begangen wurde?
  • Schätzt der Stadtrat Frauenparkplätze auch als falsche Form neuer Diskriminierungen ein?
  • Wäre es nicht an der Zeit, geschlechtsspezifische Gesetze, Regelungen, Vor- und Nachteile konsequent zu beseitigen, egal welche Seite damit bevorzugt wird, um dem Ziel einer gleichberechtigten Gesellschaft näher zu kommen?

Ebenfalls in diesem Zusammenhang interessant: Darf man ein Benzinfahrzeug auf einen Elektromobilparkplatz stellen, oder welche gesetzliche Grundlage ermöglicht hier ein Verbot?

Actions #1

Updated by mrw almost 12 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
Actions #2

Updated by E.T. over 11 years ago

Parley 25.10.12
Anwesend: 5 Piraten

Parkplätze weit entfernt vom Ausgang beschriften als "Parkplätze für mutige Personen"?

Evtl. besser weniger Fragen (z.B. Urania-Mord).

Gleichberechtigung als Forderung statt als Frage einbringen.

Actions #3

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Work

Automatically changed from new state after 3 days

Actions #4

Updated by mrw over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Work to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #5

Updated by Apophis over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Needs Work

reopen upon request

Actions #6

Updated by mrw over 11 years ago

  • Target version changed from Parley 9 to Parley 11
Actions #7

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date set to 12 March 2013

Automatically enforce due date for Low Priority after 60 days in the future

Actions #8

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 12 March 2013 to 15 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #9

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 15 March 2013 to 18 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #10

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 18 March 2013 to 21 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #11

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 21 March 2013 to 24 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #12

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 24 March 2013 to 27 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #13

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 27 March 2013 to 30 March 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #14

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 30 March 2013 to 02 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #15

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 02 April 2013 to 05 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #16

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 05 April 2013 to 08 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #17

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 08 April 2013 to 11 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #18

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 11 April 2013 to 14 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #19

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 14 April 2013 to 17 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #20

Updated by admin over 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 17 April 2013 to 20 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty

Actions #21

Updated by admin about 11 years ago

  • Due date changed from 20 April 2013 to 23 April 2013

Due date reached, automatically increased by 3 days. Please handle this ticket immedialty


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