Task / Tâche #4220
closedaccès à l'adresse email
ça fait 2 ans que j'essai d'accéder à mon adresse e-mail @partipirate.ch, personne n'a été capable de me donner l'adresse d'une interface webmail, un identifiant ou un mot de passe. Que dois-je faire ?
Merci d'avance
Benoît de K
Updated by Apophis about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to 2
- Assignee set to Simon Rupf
Making a ticket is a good way:
Your email adresse firstname.lastname@partipirate.ch
Your password should have been sent to your former email address.
Your last ticket was 7 months ago and I don't see any complaints there, did it work?
please reset password, and send it to: kalber@gmail.com
Updated by Stimbard about 12 years ago
Thanks so much :)
My last ticket was closed but I didn't recieved any password (maybe filtered as spam)
Updated by Simon Rupf about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Work to Done
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
password resetted and sent to gmail account. Documentation on changing password from the given one can be found here:
Updated by Apophis about 12 years ago
- Assignee changed from Simon Rupf to Stimbard
Stimbard, does it work now? Please close ticket if it works: if it does not work, assign it back to simon and set it to Needs Work
Updated by admin almost 12 years ago
- Due date set to 26 January 2013
Automatically enforce due date for High Priority to 15 days in the future