Todo / A Faire #4521
closedSind alle Massnahmen aus der neuen Finanzordnung umgesetzt?
Mail von Lukas:
You have create your Budget till the end of October for the following year.
This because you have to define your memberfee recommendation and communicate
it to the national treasurer. We then create all invoices and send them out at
latest at the 20th of december.
Please note, the Budget and the member fee recommendation must be accepted by
you sectional members!
If your member don't agree the budget, you must have a tentative one you can
use till the next assembly where you have to change all requested things.
Annual Closing
This should be clear, but I will note it anyway: You have to close your
booking till the regular assembly in the first quarter of the new year.
Including the Profit and Loss calculateion, the Balance, Closings from
If you have not defined own persons to appeal yout booking, the national GPK
will do this. Your booking must be approved by no later than three weeks
before the regular assembly.
Backup and Access
You HAVE TO BACKUP all your data. This includes your Booking but also all
evidences. At minimum in two different geographical location!
You have also to worry abiut no other who is not allowed to, may get access to
your data and the backup. Please take this really serious, we hat min. one
datacrash/losst this year in a section.
Member fee
The Memberfee is at least 30.00 and maximum 500.00 sFr. Everything above is
taken as a donation for all involved sections.
Each section, down to the fourth level, can define a recommendation inbetween
1.00 and 125.00 sfr. This recommendation has to be defined and approfed by
your members till end of October and must be commited to the national
treasurer. If yu dont define or communicate a recommendation, a default one of
15.00 sFr os taken instead.
Important - and maybe you have to inform your members also as we do in the
first reminder: If someone does not pay until the 15. February, he will lose
the right to vote - until he pays of course.
Second note here: The statutes defines if a member does not pay at least for
15 Months, he will quit automatically. The date for this is always april...
The first invoice is sent out by the national treasurer (and the FIN AG). This
has to be done unil the 20. of december.
You as section may palce a small text beside the main information onto the
invoice. You will get asked once or twice a year for this texts but you can
also just inform the national treasurer at any time you need a change.
First reminder is sent at latest on the 31. January - more than 30 days for
paying. This reminder is sent out to all members who have not payd on paper
and not email as the invoice.
After some time you will get informed by the treasurer about all members they
have not payed. So you can now remid your members by yourself or channel this
ToDo back to the national treasurer so he can reminde the member a third time.
All memberfees are collected by the national party. Each quarter you will
receive a payout. If the national treasurer does not know where to send the
payments to, he cannot pay you out. It's YOUR job to communicate your bank
accounts. If no account is known till the end of the year, the memberfees are
to the benefit of the PPS.
All the accounts are listen in the treasurers project
( inside the wiki - badly
it gets disabled by the AG DI because of a malicious communication but will be
reenabled soon...
The complete donation list behooves now the national party. This means:
1) You DON'T must care about who you have to publish.
2) You DON'T need a list with all donators.
3) You HAVE to communicate all donations you get directly to the national
Because of this, we are much more transparent and it's much less work for all
because there is only one list...
Updated by AlexArnold about 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Task / Tâche to Todo / A Faire
Updated by Monzambano about 12 years ago
Mitgliederinfo ist m.E. noch nicht geschehen hierüber:
Important - and maybe you have to inform your members also as we do in the
first reminder: If someone does not pay until the 15. February, he will lose
the right to vote - until he pays of course.
Second note here: The statutes defines if a member does not pay at least for
15 Months, he will quit automatically. The date for this is always april...
Updated by AlexArnold about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100