Motion #3050
closedApprouval Request - Bylaws PPS Ticino Section
To the Attention of the Board, Pirate Party of Switzerland
Dear Board’s Members,
I hereby submit for your consideration the Bylaws of the Partito Pirata della Svizzera - Sezione Ticino.
We are working on the Ticino’s section foundation since some months now and we really look forward to have you final approval on this to start with all the burocracies that will allow us to create an officially registered Association.
Kind regards,
Carlo Brancati
Angela Saez
Robert Bregy
Matthias Ghidossi
Michel jaquier
Jason Neuenschwander
Updated by Pseudomonas almost 13 years ago
- Target version set to Vorstandssitzung / Réunion du Comité - 24.04.2012
I'm searching now People, who can help us to check the bylaws.
Updated by powerstock almost 13 years ago
- File Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticinese.odt Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticinese.odt added
- Target version changed from Vorstandssitzung / Réunion du Comité - 24.04.2012 to GL-Sitzung / Réunion de comité exécutif - 24.05.2012
We updated the Bylaws with the new version (art.16).
We are looking forward to hear from you soon,
Updated by Pseudomonas almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from GL-Sitzung / Réunion de comité exécutif - 24.05.2012 to GL-Sitzung / Réunion de comité exécutif - 31.05.2012
Updated by powerstock over 12 years ago
- File Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticino_27-06-2012.odt Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticino_27-06-2012.odt added
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Hi all,
We've updated the Bylaws (see ODT attached) after the last meeting in Aarau.
Kind regards,
Carlito for the Pirates from Ticino
Updated by powerstock over 12 years ago
- File Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticino_27-06-2012.odt Statuto_del_Partito_Pirata_Ticino_27-06-2012.odt added
- Target version changed from GL-Sitzung / Réunion de comité exécutif - 31.05.2012 to GL-Sitzung / Réunion de comité exécutif - 05.07.2012
Sorry I've just realized I put the wrong Target Version.
Now I've inserted july the 5th as next date for discuss it, hope it's ok for you.
Updated by Pseudomonas over 12 years ago
I'll have a look on it this week.
On the 7.July we will go over the website structure. It could be that you have to chance to
Updated by Pseudomonas over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100